Friday, July 08, 2005


Cindy Said ....

Cindy said... *flash* "Boom!" *flash* "BOOM!" *flash* "rumble... boom!" but didnt give us any rain here.

Cindy said much worse things to other areas, even just a few miles away.

Now we'll see what Hurricane Dennis is going to say, especially to the southern states. I hope everyone stays safe!!

I know storms are destructive, but I love them..probably cos I was never really in a bad one.

I just think Mother Nature is sooo cool!
I used to be scared to death of thunderstorms, and havent gotten over it until recently. I still prefer to be at home and am nervous or tense if I'm out and about in one. If I'm at home, then I'm completely bouncing off the walls with excitement.

Growing up in a tornado zone was scary to me ... when the severe weather alarms went off, my parents both loved storms so would be outside watching the greenish brown sky, and I'd be in the basement cowering underneath every stuffed animal I owned.

The weather is INCREDIBLY awesome!
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