Thursday, July 14, 2005


"Putting the cart before the horse ..."

... or in other words, "Job Update"

I just got off the phone with Mike, my former contract manager at Hudson. HE just got off the phone with my former IBM manager, JP. They're all still looking out for me apparently, tho none of them are under any obligation to me anymore... which is wicked cool. *grin*

Mike and JP said that one of the other IBM managers, Stan (there are three that worked closely together in our group ... I called them 'the band of brothers') got tasked with some more work and might be allowed a slot for 'one more head count' -- me. Stan, however, is currently out of the office until Monday (military reserves - he's in the Army band and sees soldiers in/out).

Before, I reported to JP but would do any work requested by JP, Stan or Rick (the third manager). It's all up in the air right now. We dont know if Stan will get the slot approved. We know he'll go for it. We probably wont hear anything until the middle of next week.... so, it's wishful thinking, it's hoping, it's dreaming... it's "trying really hard not to get my hopes up". But at least they're all still pulling for me. How cool is that?

Very cool that they're still keeping their eyes open for you! Did they give you any deets or are they waiting til Stan gets the slot approved?
I agree with u2; it is very very cool when people you used to work with still look after you. I hope they have nothing but good news for you next week.
Best thoughts for next week..good luck!
No deets - details - until they see if Stan gets the slot approved. I should hear SOMETHING by Wednesday.
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