Monday, August 01, 2005


Survival of the Pettest

I survived!! I survived spending EVERY MINUTE of this weekend that I wasnt driving to/from Smithfield (where I was pet-sitting), with any combination of 18 dogs and cats. (My own 4, and the 14 I was pet-sitting. ) It was exhausting! Walking, feeding, medicating, locating (I couldnt find two dogs at various times. They werent 'lost', per se .. ), catching (kittens), cleaning, seperating, making friends with, playing ...

Oh, my!

The only thing I had enough energy to do in between pet-sit visits and taking care of my own critters, was nap. Nap ... with the animals, of course.

Damn, I'm good tho. *laugh* I stayed sane!

Thought at first you had titled this Survival of the Pettiest and was all prepared to read some commentary about someone being all petty.. So I was a little perplexed when you were talking about critters..cause critters aren't petty.. Unless you mean they like being petted *grin*
Heheheh.... nah ... play on words ... survival of the fittest ...
18 animals! That sounds harder than teaching pre-school!
Yeah, you can usually teach animals not to bite.

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