Thursday, August 25, 2005


Working ... Eventually

So, when I first found out I was going to be coming back to work was right before my soon-to-be manager went on vacation ... to China. He wanted to make sure he was going to be here to help with the *cough* "transition" ... so that delayed my start date a little.

Oddly enough ... I think they've always known I was coming back. My former manager (one of the three that work together, I'm still in the same group, just technically under a different manager on a newly created team) has been entering .1 hours in the time-entry database each week since I left so the system wouldnt delete me. My IDs were still active and easy enough for me to ... um ... "access" (hack) ... and reset my passwords. My email account still existed and I had 300 emails waiting for me (alerts from a mail list I hadnt unsubscribed to).

So, there hasnt been a "transition". I got a "Welcome Back!", and was handed my former equipment, shown to my former desk, sat in my former chair, talked to my former coworkers ... except everyone is a lot friendlier. Everyone has been SO damned cheerful and happy to see me.

No... not everyone. I take that back. My former immediate teammates (all out of town, we only communicated online and on conference calls) havent really said 'boo!' to me .. but the local people have been thrilled to see me. No skin off my back, I could care less at this point. I'm still extremely HIGHLY amused.

Seems like you never left, just an extended vacation!
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