Thursday, October 20, 2005


Sleeping and Dreaming

I'm sleepy. Sometimes I wish I'd quit dreaming. 'Dreams' as in stories my brain tells me when I'm asleep, as well as dreams of things I want for the future and/or present ... both kinds of dreams can be hazardous to your health.

I've always been a dreamer, in both respects. The dreams I have in my sleep are usually just short of bizarre ... something a dream analyst would have me institutionalized for. The latest quote "He's going to be ok, because he's my son too!" comes to mind, and I'm not EVEN going to explain the dream surrounding it. *shakes head sadly* Bizarre. d;)

As far as waking dreams ... one of the lessons I learned was that dreams had to be flexible. That was a hard lesson for me, "giving up" on a dream. Then I started learning how to make some of them come true. Unfortunately, it doesnt work for them all.

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